TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. in Newmarket, ON is provider of testing, inspection, and safety certification services of products in segments of the Automotive Industry, Medical and Health Science Products, Defense Products and Systems and Information Technol
加拿大自然資源部(NRCan)是加拿大制定工業產品和消費品能源效率標準的監管部門。已經針對在加拿大製造銷售或進口到加拿大的50多個獨立的能耗產品類別制定了相關要求。這些產品的供應商需要請獨立認證機構對其產品按照相關標準測試,證明其產品符合相關法規。 為什麼NRCan合規如此重要? 在加拿大銷售或進口到加拿大的許多耗能產...
The Consumer Products & Retail E-ssentials covers the latest regulations, standards and Global Market Access news relevant to electrical & electronics, hardlines, softlines and toys & children’s products. E-ssentials...
tuv-sud.ca TÜV SÜD Canada Website - Choose certainty. Add value. | TÜV SÜD Canada TÜV SÜD América de México. Chemical Oil and Gas. RCI Consultants, Inc. Company and Management Structure. Our Services by Industry. Services for the Aerospace / Defense Industry. Original Equipmen...
儘管大部分製造商都夢想進入巨大的北美市場,但出口設備涉及的協商過程可能會非常複雜。由於需滿足並遵守各種標準以及電氣法規,向美國和加拿大客戶出口機械需採取某種特殊方法。 什麼是現場貼標? 在美國和加拿大各地,都有當地的電氣安全要求。由於各具有司法權的機構(AHJ)有權制定獨立的電氣安全要求,同一類產品根據其...
certification, training, and knowledge services, announces the appointment of Ms. Kristen Downs to the role of Vice President of Strategic Account Management and Sales Enablement for the Americas, including TÜV SÜD Canada, TÜV SÜD América de México, and TÜV SÜD America do Brasil. ...
加拿大政府於2021年7月7日公佈限制複合木製品中甲醛釋放法規1。這有助於減少加拿大人在室內空氣中接觸甲醛。該法規亦與美國《TSCA》第六章2作出類似規定。這有助於將企業負擔降到最低。法規將於2023年1月7日起施行,但層壓產品的要求將在生效日期起 5 年...
Products entering the Canadian market must meet specific requirements depending on the scope of the product. Testing and certification must also be conducted by a testing and certification body accredited by Standards Council of Canada where applicable.
TÜV SÜD America Inc., a premium quality, safety, and sustainability solutions provider that specializes in testing, inspection, auditing, certification, training, and knowledge services, announces the appointment of Ms. Kristen Downs to the role of
Toronto (Gormley/Newmarket), ON, Canada EMC testing procedure Our accredited labs can conduct a comprehensive range of EMC tests. A small sample includes: Antenna immunity to RF voltage Antenna input immunity Conducted disturbances immunity Conducted emissions (continuous and discontinuous interferenc...