Hardware Review: MemCard PRO GC from 8BitMods February 1, 2024V1RACY This article is part two of a two part review. I’m covering both of 8bitmod’s newest MemCard PROs and you can find part one here. You may find it to… ...
科技 数码 客制化键盘 机械键盘 键盘 电脑 数码 科技 硬件 外设 客制化 KeyboardDaily发消息 有态度的客制化键盘资讯,帮你花好每一分钱;商务微信KeyboardDaily;交流2群1032785936 学绘画思路,成为超越AI的画师 转载(168/284) 自动连播 55.2万播放简介
Your Mods in-game INTRODUCTION This tutorial will touch on the basics of modding and should give you enough to get you started. By reading this, I assume you have a basic knowledge of 3D/2D design or experience with tools such as Photoshop and 3DS Max, which you might need to fully und...
In this tutorial I'll show you how to get new models in Tiberium Wars to play with. First of all you can only use Max 7 or Max 9 to export your model to w3x file, in this tutorial i'm going to use Max 9, you can download Max 7 for free atCrymods.net, you need to register...
get_player_settings(event.player_index)["my-mod-kill-player-on-entity-built"].value if setting_value then game.get_player(event.player_index).die() end end) Writing to your own settings It is possible for mods to write to their own runtime (global or per player) mod settings. This...
they're the draw distance value of every part. To make the parts work correctly, you need to copy the values from every Elegy's parts in the original veh_mods.IDE file to the new parts (the Elegy's exhaus draw distance value goes to your added exhaust, etc etc). PLEASE DON'T FORGE...
Mods Required:MechJeb Steps Step 1 - Obtaining MechJeb Get MechJeb.[1]. MechJeb is an autopilot plugin that allows you get into orbit, and go to the Mun in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Suggested mods to find include: ...
I haven't tested adding mods to clothing yet, and haven't touched the actual crafting mods.For armor quality, numerical values may be different for different base items. Suit/Helm get 2x as much bonus as Pack for a given quality.; Spacesuit/Helmet/Pack Quality:; Armor qualities are ...
code_library.js Adds functions and variables common to some other mods Alice CrashTestDummy.js Originally a test to see if certain code broke the game, but now just adds a tool that turns things into sand StellarX20 customexplosion.js Added a custom explosion element and interface for it. ...
Also, inserting that "hacky" code (and changing all the names to my character of course) gained this crash upon trying to create a new world: @Cunning fox Expand The code I used changes mods's env to a global one, so you shouldn't use it if you're not experienced enough. So...