Assumptions Chi-Square Independence TestConclusions from a chi-square independence test can be trusted if two assumptions are met:independent observations. This usually -not always- holds if each case in SPSS holds a unique person or other statistical unit. Since this is that case for our data,...
Chi-Square Test - Null Hypothesis The null hypothesis for a chi-square independence test is thattwo categorical variables are independent in some population.Now, marital status and education are related -thusnotindependent- in our sample. However, we can't concludethat this holds for our entire ...
We will use data simulation as well as real data sets, to explore topics like t-tests, chi-square tests, and logistic regression. We will also show how R produces publication-quality figures. If time permits, we will also explore how to extend R with your own routi...
In fact, we did just that in the simulation studies we presented when explaining the basic idea behind ANOVA, regression and the chi-square test. In these studies we basically used one OMS command for capturing all ANOVA tables, ran ANOVA on 1,000 random samples from a population data file...
We presented such simulations for explaining the basic idea behind ANOVA and the chi-square test. Simulation studies usually require looping over SPSS procedures, which are basically commands that inspect all cases in our dataset. The right way for doing so is with Python as shown in the syntax...
This procedure is known as Fisher’s exact test and you may have seen it in SPSS CROSSTABS output when running a chi-square independence test. And -indeed- you can obtain the exact p-values for our independent medians test from CROSSTABS too. In fact, you can even compute them as a ...
Chi-Square Tests Statistical Tests - Intermediate Factor Analysis Nonparametric Tests Data Analysis SPSS Data Analysis Charts in SPSS Tables in SPSS Editing Data SPSS String Variables SPSS Date & Time Variables SPSS Dictionary Tutorial Python SPSS Python Basics Other SPSS A-Z Statistics A-Z SPSS To...
If the variable that's computed doesn't exit yet, SPSS will create it as a numeric variable having an f format. One of the implications is that we can't directly COMPUTE new string variables but we'll get to that in a minute. We first compute the mean over our 5 ratings but only ...
Chi-Square Tests Statistical Tests - Intermediate Factor Analysis Nonparametric Tests Data Analysis SPSS Data Analysis Charts in SPSS Tables in SPSS Editing Data SPSS String Variables SPSS Date & Time Variables SPSS Dictionary Tutorial Python SPSS Python Basics Other SPSS A-Z Statistics A-Z SPSS To...
SPSS TUTORIALS VIDEO COURSE BASICS ANOVA REGRESSION FACTOR Beginners Basics Data Preparation Statistical Tests - Beginners ANOVA Regression Correlation T-Tests Chi-Square Tests Statistical Tests - Intermediate Factor Analysis Nonparametric Tests Data Analysis SPSS Data Analysis Charts in SPSS Tables in SPSS ...