They originally started working atLakeshore Bookkeeping Servicesas bookkeepers-in-training. However, it soon became evident that their talents leaned more towards the people side of the business. They were happy in their positions as Greeters but have now retired. ;-) And as long as I'm shar...
My passion for helping students to succeed positions me to significantly impact your organization as your next Tutor. Evaluating students’ learning capabilities and needs, helping them through assignments, and suggesting new learning techniques are just a few of the areas in which I ... See more...
Without this, lacklustre leadership can lead to poor strategy decisions which ultimately lead to lower performance levels by the team overall. In 2023, recruiting talented people to fill essential executive positions is key for a successful new team. A new CEO can provide a fresh outlook on the ...
This is a bizarre secret, but many companies who highlight that they only work with certified teachers don’t actually pay their tutors the highest hourly rates. Even in entry-level positions when you’re probably earning $17 to $23 an hour, that difference adds up quickly....
Every leader in the world needs to be self-aware, as, in leadership positions, you are exposed to many situations and people. And you get multiple feedbacks in the form of results and people’s opinions. If you only fall to such feedbacks, it can trap your judgment and ability. Similarly...