rights, the option for a centralised organisational system of the judiciary or the jurisprudential approach that aims to redirect the linguistic issue within the strict parameters of the fundamental right to effective judicial protection, to which we would like to pay particular attention in...
personas de que se trate, deben establecerse garantías jurídicas y el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva con respecto a las decisiones sobre traslados al Estado miembro responsable, de conformidad en particular con el artículo 47 de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión ...
The present research study focuses on the inadequate use of the Action for Protection, distorting its original purpose and generating problems for the operators of justice, which causes a violation of the effective judicial protection, even ...
Its basic assumption is that all judicial acts are covered by the constitutional right to the effective protection of judges and courts, hence that the classic distinction between the constitutional and the ordinary legal content of this right is not appropriate. What singles out...
This configuration raises problems of judicial protection of third party competitors as a result of the principle of double exclusivity of the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the national courts. Any shortcomings in judicial control must be re...
This paper outlines the main existing doctrinal tendencies about the proof, emphasizing its configuration as a fundamental right and its manifestation in comparative constitutional jurisprudence; then it continues to briefly analyze the elements that make up the right to evidence and it...