Tusk ACT4 is the highest evolution of Tusk, accessed only when Johnny uses theGolden Spin. ACT4 is of humanoid shape and broad or square build; of articulated legs, arms, hands, and fingers. Its head is mounted in the front of its chest, and from the bottom of its chest hangs to it...
Season 4 In Chapter 44, Claire has a semi-retired Remy act as a liaison with Tusk, not seen since getting a pardon in a scandal that forced President Walker out of office. While Remy is not enthused, he tracks down Tusk on a bird-watching expedition. Tusk passes on the offer to be ...
17.6.-2005: Jyväskylä Cup 2005. Kuvasarja.12.6.-2006: Pääkirjoitus. Astian makua. Ministeri Huovinen ja SanomaWSOY.17.6.-2007: G8: STOP TALKING ACT NOW! GREENPEACE. Kuva7.6.-2008: Tänään, eilen ja 90 vuotta sitten. Kuvasarja.15.6.-2009: Ylen puolueiden kannatusarviot...