tusb3410 boot device驱动 for xp/win7免费版 Tusb3410是一款针对对dku-5 安装时出现 TUSB3410 Boot Decice的一个驱动程序包,轻松解决驱动安装时出现的错误信息,非常实用!如果你喜欢这款驱动,就快来IT猫扑下载吧! tusb3410驱动介绍 TUSB3410提供USB端口和增强型UART串行端口之间的桥接。
设计了一块TUSB3410的评估板,焊上元件后接上电脑设备管理器出现TUSB3410 Boot Device,但是显示未安装驱动程序。如下图 于是去TI官网上下载了TUSB3410的驱动, 并且安装了中间的那个TI WDF USBUART Single Driver。 解压之后,安装了它解压路径下的Setup.exe 安装完成后设备管理器中就多出了一个TUSB3410 ...
设计了一块TUSB3410的评估板,焊上元件后接上电脑设备管理器出现TUSB3410 Boot Device,但是显示未安装驱动程序。如下图 于是去TI官网上下载了TUSB3410的驱动, 并且安装了中间的那个TI WDF USBUART Single Driver。 解压之后,安装了它解压路径下的Setup.exe 安装完成后设备管理器中就多出了一个TUSB3410 Device 于...
结果却发现G2 LaunchPad 被识别成TUSB3410 Boot Device,且没有驱动,现在这块G2 LaunchPad的仿真器 ...
设计了一块TUSB3410的评估板,焊上元件后接上电脑设备管理器出现TUSB3410 Boot Device,但是显示未安装驱动程序是什么原因? 本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-5-24 15:47 编辑 设计了一块TUSB3410的评估板,焊上元件后接上电脑设备管理器出现TUSB3410 Boot Device,但是显示未安装 bbwerq 2018-05-22 03:45:...
C. The device also contains 10KB of ROM that allows the MCU to configure the USB port at boot time. The ROM code also contains an I 2 C bootloader. All device functions (such as the USB command decoding, UART setup, and error reporting) are managed by the internal MCU firmware in uni...
This unique number is stored as the device’s serial number. 2) If custom firmware is used, include reading the SERNUM7 – SERNUM0 registers . Store the custom firmware in EEPROM . When the bootcode detects the presence of the EEPROM 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0...
The device also contains 10KB of ROM that allows the MCU to configure the USB port at boot time. The ROM code also contains an I2C bootloader. All device functions (such as the USB command decoding, UART setup, and error reporting) are managed by the internal MCU firmware in unison with...
The device contains an 8052 microcontroller unit (MCU) with 16KB of RAM that can be loadedfrom the host or from the external onboard memory through an I2C. Thedevice also contains 10KB of ROM that allows the MCU to configure the USB port at boot time. TheROM code also contains an I2C ...
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