Move to Legacy Playground Turtle Motion forward X , fd X Moves the turtle x points Example: forward 50 Explained in lesson: Logo's turtle back X , bk X The turtle backs x points Example: back 50 Explained in lesson: Logo's turtle left X , lt X Rotate the turtle...
Thanks to Martin we can all watch a Turtle Academy video demo class on: Logo lesson. Zespół Akademii Żółwia 11 lat temu General Now you can add your own programs Registered users can add and edit programs using a new friendly interface. Code can be written easily with line...
Now you can enjoy Turtle Academy lessons in German. Go to lessons page and choose German language. Have fun coding! Turtle Academy Team 11 years ago General User badges available Hi Everybody, From now on, you can win the Turtle badges. The badges will be given for doing a variety of ...