After a while, the rabbit saw the turtle was getting closer and closer to the finish line. He tried to run faster, but it was too late. The turtle had already won the race! The moral of the story is: slow and steady wins the race.©...
1、the turtle and the rabbit 乌龟和兔子dear teachers and classmates:亲爱的老师,同学们:good evening! my names . im years old. im in class grade . i am very glad to say something here. at this time, id like to tell you a story of the turtle and the rabbit.晚上好!我的名字叫 。我...
今天我带来的故事是:《 The Turtle and The Rabbit》。Hello, everyone!My name is Li Ling Ling.I’m from Class 2 Grade 3.I like singing and dancing.Today I want to tell you a story,《The Turtle and The Rabbit...
The turtle and the rabbit 乌龟和兔子 Dear teachers and classmates: 亲爱的老师,同学们: Good evening! My name’s . I’m years old. I’m in Class Grade . I am very glad to say something here. At this time, I'd like to tell you a story of the turtle and the rabbit. 晚上好!我...
The rabbit and the turtle story tells us not to give up even when we are not in an advantageous position. Just keep at what you are doing and you will succeed in the end. 猜你喜欢 1683 The Constant Rabbit by:AK创客 182 Rabbit
My name is Tan jun yi ,I’m from Class 3 Grade 4, I like basketball , Today I want to tell you a story,The Rabbit and the TurtleA Turtie is waiking on the roed . meet a RrabbitThe Rabbit asked the Tur...
根据“I am sure you know the story of the turtle (乌龟) and the rabbit. It taught people many lessons. One of these lessons is that people who have all the advantages (the fast-jumping rabbit) can be beaten by those who have nothing but inner (内心的) strength (the slow turtle).”...
I am sure you know the story of the turtle(乌龟) and the rabbit. It taught people many lessons. One of these lessons is that people who have great advantages(优势) jumping rabbit(兔) can be beaten by those who have nothing but inner strength(内在的力量)(the slow turtle).It is true ...
TheTurtleandtheRabbit OnedayaRabbitwasbragging 有一天,一只兔子吹牛Yǒuyītiān,yīzhǐtùzǐchuīniú 1 “Iamthefastestanimalintheforest,”hesaid 我是森林里最快的动物,他说Wǒshìsēnlínlǐzuìkuàidedòngwù,tāshuō 2 WhenhesawtheTurtlehelaughedloudly 当他看到乌龟时,他大声地笑了起来Dāngtākàndào...
The Rabbit And The Turtle There are manyanimals live in the forest.They are veryhappy . Therabbit can run fast,(做跑得动作)but the turtle climb slowly.(爬的动作)One day,aturtle is climbing.arabbit sees the turtle. It asks the turtle: “Hi, turtle. I can run fast, can you?”(...