Currently we have 4000+ verified users using and enjoying Turtle Academy. The users have created so far more than 1000 programs, including commands which have not been yet implemented in the lesson plans. Turtle Academy is open for suggestions and requests. Therefore, if you have any suggestions...
Turtle Academy Team 11 years ago General New top-bar menu and lesson navigator Some adjustment made to make Turtle Academy more user friendly. The improvements include new lessons navigation tool and changing the look of the top-bar buttons. ...
Cite this lesson Sea turtles are marine animals and live in the ocean. Explore the life of a sea turtle from the time it hatches to maturity, learn about its habitat and the threats of pollution and other human-made threats that impact the future survival of this species. ...
Cite this lesson Hawksbill sea turtles are a kind of turtle that lives in warm ocean water. Come learn about hawksbill turtles, how they got their name, where you can find them, what they like to eat, and some other cool facts about these turtles. ...
Ah, the perfect 1.33 academy frame! Afterwards I ran in to his publicist Susan Norget, an old friend who is also working Ellen Kuras' NERAKHOON. I walked them to a bar and went on to pick up dinner to eat quietly at home. I then burned a dvd of the work we did earlier and ...
There's more to learn about a turtle's life cycle, so check out the lesson Life Cycle of a Turtle: Lesson for Kids. It covers: Living as an egg Hatching Life as an adolescent turtle Being a grown-up turtle You are viewing quiz24 in chapter 1 of the course: ...
Turtles and tortoises are related to each other but have some very important differences. This lesson will teach you how turtles and tortoises are...
A turtle's life cycle begins in an egg, and then after it hatches it faces a whole world of challenges. Follow the turtle as it grows from a...
To learn more, use the lesson called Turtle vs. Tortoise: Lesson for Kids. This lesson helps you: Determine how well turtles swim Review the habitat of turtles and tortoises Figure out what tortoises like to eat Practice Exams You are viewing quiz 110 in chapter 1 of the course: ...
This lesson will introduce you to the big, beautiful green sea turtle. You will learn about their diets, their habitats, and the importance of...