同等学力人员硕士学位论文 论文题目尿动力学检查在经尿道前列腺切除术 (TURP)中应用的再评估 研究生姓名**波 指导教师姓名**国副教授 专业名称泌尿外科学 研究方向尿控疾病 论文提交日期2014年4月 2 尿动力学检查在经尿道前列腺切除术(TURP)中应用的再评估中文摘要 I 尿动力学检查在经尿道前列腺切除术(TURP)中...
All patients were evaluated pre and postoperatively based on IPSS questionnaires, prostate volume measured by ultrasound, postvoid residual urine volume (PVR), Prostate Specific Antigen measurement and urodynamic study (UDS) before the procedure. After surgery, all patients were evaluated at 1‐, 3...
Most people regain controlin the weeks after we remove thecatheter. The vast majority of men who had normal urinary control before the procedure achieve it again within 3 to 18 months after the surgery. How long does TURP surgery take? A TURP can takeup to 1 hour, depending on how much ...
undergoing bipolar–TURP with gland size 40–100g were randomized into three groups—control/placebo group (n=35), I/V group (n=35) (received 1gm TXA 20min before the procedure) and irrigation group (n=35) (received 500mg TXA in every 3000ml irrigation fluid up to a maximum of 2g)...
venat8~10ml/kgineachgroupbeforetheCSEAdrugWaSadministrated。BP,HR,andSPO2wererecordedbefore theprocedureofspinalanesthesiaandwithin30minutesafterthespinalanesthesia,perioperativenauseaandvomitting,postopera- tiveheadachewereobserved.Results Theminimumsystolicbloodpressure(SBP)inLgroupWaSsignificantlowerthanthatinG ...
The improvement in the urinary symptoms and peak urinary flow of the two groups were measured before and after surgery. The post-operative morbidity, hospital stay, operating time and the costs of the two procedures were analysed in detail. Both TURP and TVP were found to have the same ...
Conclusion There were no significant differences for erectile function in BPH patients after TURP, although there were three patients whose erectile functions decreased in two months after the procedure. This study proved that TURP was a safe surgical procedure in BPH patients....
This procedure does not appear to carry the risk of urinary incontinence thought to be associated with a conventional TURP before LDR brachytherapy.Philip BrousilSt. Luke's Cancer CentreMuddassar HussainSt. Luke's Cancer CentreMark LynchSt. Luke's Cancer CentreRobert W. Laing...
Patient acceptability and global symptom change questions were also asked after the procedure. The majority of patients in each group reported their overall symptoms to be 'improved' or 'much improved' six months following treatment (Laser: 93% v TURP: 90%) but significant differences were found...
RESULTS The preclinical studies revealed no untoward reaction after application of AO for 28 days using OECD guidelines in rodents. Clinically there was no statistically significant difference in gland size, resection time, procedure & catheterization duration and IPSS score in control and AO treated ...