The average operative time was 2 hours, 22 minutes (range 98 to 175 minutes). The mean serum sodium concentration decreased by 1.6 mg/dL (from 138.4 mg/dL preoperatively to 136.8 mg/dL postoperatively). The mean hematocrit decreased by 5.60% (from 40.24% preoperatively to 34.64% post...
200elderlypatientswithvaporizationoftheprostateinour hospitalwereselectedandrandomlydividedintotheobservationgroupandcontrolgroup.Thecontrolgroupwasgiven generalanesthesiaandobservationgroupwasgivenepiduralanesthesia.Cognitivefunctionbeforeanesthesiaandpost operative4h,8h,24h,48hwerescoredandcompared.Results:MMSEscoreofthe...
All patients had excellent post operative voiding parameters with significant reduction in TRUS volumes 11.8gm (7.6 – 26.3) and SPSA 1.2ng/ml (0.3 – 2.7). Time taken during the procedure, post op recovery and voiding parameter did not differ significantly from a regular HoLEP. Conclusion Ho...