The above shall be computed on all India basis and excludes taxes charged under the CGST Act, SGST Act and the IGST Act. What are the categories not included under GST in India? As per GST Law, aggregate turnover does not include value of supplies on which tax is levied on reverse char...
It was in the year 2017 when the Government of India passed the GST (Goods &Services Tax) Act. GST is an indirect tax that replaced many indirect taxes suchas the excise duty, VAT, services tax, and so on, with the idea of ‘one nation,one tax’. Goods and services are divided int...
Penalty for delay in filing GST returnsLate fee is Rs 100 per day under the CGST Act & Rs 100 under the SGST Act. So, a total penalty of Rs 200/day will apply up to a maximum of Rs 5,000. Penalty for opting for composition scheme even though the business is not eligibleIn case ...
The main term for GST registration is the aggregate turnover. As per GST law, any entity with an annual turnover of above Rs.20 lakh can opt-out of registering GST. For special category states excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir entities with an annual turnover of above Rs.10 lakh...
Specially designed program basis GST returns Collateral free loan up to ₹5 crores under CSTMSE scheme for Manufacturing, Service Industry & Retail/Wholesale Traders: As per applicable terms and conditions. Fund & Non-Fund based facilities offered ...
It was introduced by the Government of India in agreement with the MSMED (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development) Act of 2006. As per this act, MSMEs are the enterprises involved in the processing, production, and preservation of goods and commodities. 3. What is the MSME ...
Next, we sought to determine the mechanism by which ATG14 induces lipophagy. Previous studies suggested that ATG14 interacts with LC325. Therefore, we proposed that ATG14 may act as a receptor on LDs. Using in vitro GST pull-down assays and in vivo co-IP assays, we confirmed that ATG14...
including opportunities for personal growth and development, are less likely to leave their job. In addition, when employees perceive a discrepancy between expectations and employer actions, employees’ beliefs in “things getting better” in the future (Bankins,2015, p. 1087) can act as a remedy...
2.Information as regards turnover and exports turnover for an enterprise shall be linked to the Income Tax Act or the Central Goods and Services Act (CGST Act) and the GSTIN. 3.The turnover related figures of such enterprise which do not have PAN will be considered on self-declaration ba...
GAP activity is expressed as the percentage of nonhydrolyzed [γ-32P]GTP that remained bound to the filters, relative to the radioactivity at time 0. Values are the mean of three independent experiments ± SEM. (B) Thin-layer chromatography-based GAP assays. [α-32P]GTP-loaded GST-Rab5 (...