Large amounts of occasional voters participated in the Brexit referendum. How did this increase in turnout affect the outcome of the referendum? To thoroughly explore this question we exploit exogenous variation in voting costs on the local level. Large amounts of rainfall on election day made ...
Ten days before the referendum, the Centre for European Reform think tankpublished a reportasking whether Leave voters may be “Brexiting [themselves] in the foot”. One of the core points was that the parts of the UK which rely the most heavily on the EU for exports were predicted to be...
Yet in the wake of the Mike Brown shooting, there have been a large number of writers and activists coming just short of that conclusion. Tons of ink has been spilled pointing out low voter turnout in the majority black 3rdWard of Ferguson Missouri, and how that lack of civic action may...
Large amounts of occasional voters participated in the Brexit referendum. How did this increase in turnout affect the outcome of the referendum? To thoroughly explore this question we exploit exogenous variation in voting costs on the local level. Large amounts of rainfall on election day made vo...