Turnitin is innovating rapidly to help educators identify AI writing in student work while ensuring students are treated fairly. AI writing and Turnitin AI writing educator resources Emerging trend in plagiarism: Contract cheating Up to 16% of students worldwide admit to paying a third party to...
Like Unicheck, Turnitin Similarity integrates with all major LMSs, including Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and Schoology, allowing you to work within a familiar environment while gaining valuable insights into student writing.Take a sneak peek at the Similarity Report With the launch of Turnitin’s ...
Student success starts here Uphold academic integrity Ensure original work from students and safeguard the value of writing.Assessments with transparency into AI usage Flexible solutions enabling educators to design and deliver student assessments their way, while shaping AI-enhanced student writing with ...
Benefit from an integrated workflow Like Unicheck, Turnitin Similarity integrates with all major LMSs, including Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and Schoology, allowing you to work within a familiar environment while gaining valuable insights into student writing. ...
Benefit from an integrated workflow Like Unicheck, Turnitin Similarity integrates with all major LMSs, including Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and Schoology, allowing you to work within a familiar environment while gaining valuable insights into student writing. ...
Student turn-in When students open the assignment, they’ll see right away that the work they submit will be checked by Turnitin — no extra steps, just transparency into the turn-in process. Once they submit, their Turnitin score will show up in the assignment details. ...
I remember one student wrote a paper on teenage pregnancy, and all but two words of her title, “Teen Pregnancy: Problem in Today’s Society,” came up as highlighted. Now, certainly this title isn’t the most original, but these words are common enough, and the issue at hand is highl...
Benefit from an integrated workflow Like Unicheck, Turnitin Similarity integrates with all major LMSs, including Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and Schoology, allowing you to work within a familiar environment while gaining valuable insights into student writing. ...
Step1Revision(Competition) Holdapetitionbyaskingfivestudentseachrepresentinghisorhergrouptowriteidiomsontheblackboardaanyaspossible.Thenaskanotherfivestudentromeachgroupstoexplaintheidiomswrittenbytheirgroupmates.Thegroupwhichcanwritethemostidiomsandcanofferrightexplanationswillwinthepetition. ...
Alanguagestudentshouldheagoodunderstandingofthecountrywherethelanguageisspoken. 2.省译法:这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯,语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘. 中国政府历来重视环境保护工作. TheChinesegovernmenthasalwaysattachedgreatimportancetoenvironmentalprotection. ...