With over 20 years of proven results and innovation in advancing academic integrity and writing, Turnitin supports the Google for Education ecosystem.
Already using Draft Coach? Check out these resources to help you get started. Learn more Ready to talk? Chat with an expert. We look forward to talking with you about how Turnitin can help advance integrity at your institution. Schedule a call...
Protect your institution's academic standards with Turnitin's plagiarism detector. Identify copied content and ensure originality in every submission.
As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. You can learn more aboutour editorial policies here. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn...
Real-time feedback on similarity checking, citations, and grammar for students while they draft in Microsoft® Word and Google Docs™. Learn more A look at the numbers Feedback Studio brings proven results Feedback Studio is used by 34 million students and 15,000 institutions worldwide, ...
Cultivate more confident writers. Real-time feedback on similarity checking, citations, and grammar for students while they draft in Microsoft® Word and Google Docs™. Learn more A look at the numbers Feedback Studio brings proven results ...