When comparing the student paper to the original source, it is easy to tell why Turnitin highlighted as it did. Once patch writing has been detected, students need tools to alter their wording. This is a good time for reviewing quote integration, paraphrasing and summarizing. Using the example...
The next most effective and safest method you could use is paraphrasing. Turnitin.com was created to identify similar constructions or passages but it does not see paraphrased content, which makes paraphrasing a good possibility to cheat this or any other tool! Of course, this may take more ti...
Besides educating students on good referencing and citation techniques, Turnitin offers educators modern e-grading capabilities and an efficient way to grade and send feedback to students regarding their assessment. Turnitin isn’t a punitive tool you can use to catch cheating students. It is purpose...
A letter grade of a D is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A D is any percentage between 60-69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%. Even though a D is a passing grade, it's barely passing. Is 75 a good mark in university?
When the AI writing score is used to inform conversations about student writing in the formative space, then these conversations become part of theprocess and support that students often need to improve their writing. The score is a good starting point for discussing how to use these tools while...