PNG File FormatPNGExportMPSParserMPSExportMPSCommonJSONFormatJPEG PluginJPEG2K PluginImageDecoderEncoderGIF89a PluginAdobe DxfDwg File FormatZigZag v2Adobe Vector EdgeTrimMark v2TextWrap DlgShapeEffects v2Adobe Scribble FillScribble v2SaturateRound v2Roughen v2Punk v2AdobePathfinder...
I have tried taking my vector, rasterizing it and removing the background but I get the same issue. But that still shows all the internal lines. I tried to export the star as a png but then I get a box around it in when I look at it in "outline"...
C# file write using another account also changed file privilege, How to avoid it? C# File.WriteAllLines(string path, string[] array) writes an extra empty line? c# FileSystemWatcher does not raise an event when a file is modified. It only raises the event when a file is created or delete...