What is your favorite movie turning 20 years old this year? When ranking the movies that came out 20 years ago, you can expect to see classics, like American History X, The Big Lebowski, and The Truman Show, at the top. Other memorable 1998 movies include The Parent Trap, Mu...
While some view turning 30 as getting old, others view it as the time when life begins. Read these quotes and see which side you agree with. 11. “At thirty you can get flirty without being dirty.”–Greg Tamblyn 12. “I’m turning 30 years old this year … it’s better than 20,...
Adam’s dad died when he was only 49 years old. But when Adam turned 50, instead of using his father’s passing to inspire him, it almost made him give up on life. After celebrating his 50th birthday, Adam sank into a hole of despair. He ate too much, drank too often, and his ...
70. “It’s not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas.”—Edwin Land Which of these idea quotes resonated with you best? Now that you have enjoyed the above quotes about ideas, have the sayings themselves given you any ideas? Or maybe they have inspired you to...
As the neon flashes, the beats pump and the young sirens lure customers into raucous bars, a ten-year-old boy calmly walks out into the centre of a stream of traffic and breathes fire. Welcome to Saigon. This guy guards the street during the day Best know in the West, thanks to war...
After running my errands I headed home and as I was preparing to make the turn off 50 I noticed, the hitchhiker was still there! I decided to stop and chat with him. He got up and headed towards me as soon as he saw me stop. He introduced himself as 30 year old Michael Lewis ...
Much of the equipment was 60 to 70 years old. After assessing the situation, a manifold block that would control the load instead of bouncing the chutes was recommended. The mine chose a service facility that could help it upgrade to newer technologies....
keep going back, day after each oxygen-deprived day, into dark, murky, rapidly flowing water to save 13 youngsters, all the while knowing that a fit, 38 year-old fellow diver had died days earlier doing just that have wisdom to seek and then follow advice, slowing the rescue down to ta...
What is your favorite movie turning 20 years old this year? When ranking the movies that came out 20 years ago, you can expect to see classics, like American History X, The Big Lebowski, and The Truman Show, at the top. Other memorable 1998 movies include The Parent Trap, Mu...
What is your favorite movie turning 20 years old this year? When ranking the movies that came out 20 years ago, you can expect to see classics, like American History X, The Big Lebowski, and The Truman Show, at the top. Other memorable 1998 movies include The Parent Trap, Mu...