Byline: BY NICOLA METHVENThe Mirror (London, England)
If blood turns you on, you don't have to engage in any particularly risky behavior to indulge your fetish. The safest way to try blood play is by acting it out via role-playing. Try drizzling a blood-like liquid (such as red wine, ketchup, prop blood, or a DIY concoction) over ...
8. Chooose wisely hero, for once you commit to your god you can never turn back. 明智地选择英雄,因为一旦选择了主神就不能重新选择了。 9. No one bother, I only own soul in the night air where folding turn, formed the most authentic text. 没有人打扰,我只属于自己,灵魂在夜气里折转,形成...
Turnthe cake the right way up on to a wire rack… 把蛋糕翻到合适的方向对准金属丝架上。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 As the wheelturned, the potter shaped the clay... 轮子一边转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The engineturneda propeller. ...
11. A deed or action having a good or bad effect on another: "He thought some friend had done him an ill turn" (Stephen Crane). 12. A short walk or excursion out and back: took a turn in the park. 13. A single wind or convolution, as of wire on a spool. 14. Music A figur...
turn in on yourself 忙于自己的事情而不与人交往;闭门谢客to become too concerned with your own problems and stop communicating with others turn (from sth) into sth 变成某事物to become sth turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth 使(从…)变成to make sb/sth become sth Give the handle a few tu...
easily adjust the cutting height of the deck, enabling you to achieve the perfect cut every time. The high-back seat with seat springs is another feature that is designed to enhance your mowing experience. This seat provides maximum comfort and support, making it ideal for long mowing sessions...
Push Back Rack systems work by placing pallet loads on a series of nesting carts fed forward by gravity on rigid structural steel rails. Push Back Pallet Racking carts nest together with a low profile to help save vertical space.As a pa...
7. turn back : 往回走; 8. turn on : 开, 开始, 变得兴奋, 突然显出; 9. to the turn of a hair : 丝毫不差地; 10. turn off : 关掉; 11. in turn : 依次, 轮流, 反过来; 12. turn about : 转身, 反复思考; 13. in the turn of a hand : 顷刻间; ...
Rackzz - Turn On The Lights (Explicit)