If you just followed my Raspberry Pi time-lapse guide, then you probably want to know how to turn your images into a fantastic video very much like the example below. If you’re just starting out and need to follow the guide you can find it here at Raspberry Pi time-lapse. LATEST ...
Rising demand for fast-turnaround, high-resolution time-lapse (4D) seismic data increases pressure on service companies to deliver technically innovative solutions within progressively shorter timeframes. The accelerated delivery of high-quality interpretable 4D data sets is invaluable for evaluating maturing...
We found that a 2-month time-lapse period was sufficient for the TL HR-pQCT pipeline to reliably assess and monitor local bone turnover in a cohort of patients with ESKD. We also demonstrated the importance of characterizing TL HR-pQCT precision metrics using longitudinal baseline/follow-up ...
Last September, we sharedan experimental projectthat mashes up the work of famous artists–like Van Gogh and Picasso–with standard photo and video files shot by anyone. The results made it look like Instagram had instituted a Van Gogh filter. And inthis new clipby the Polish artistWeathe...
Security insights & offers right into your inbox All Comments Are Welcome Olivia Love sharing best solutions for home and business security, dedicating herself in providing trendy and useful home security information for readers and helping viewers find the best solutions to their problems. ...
and notes that he’s now working on creating a new version of the video thataligns his face in each frame. He’s currently doing the aligning and sizing by hand — a process he calls “most time-consuming” — but perhaps he’ll soon turn tousing a face detection algorithmto mak...
I have seen a few articles on this website, and I know it's not possible but I'm going to ask anyway.For reference this is what I'm referring to:It's more I...
Latency in video-mediated interaction can frustrate smooth turn-taking: it may cause participants to perceive silence at points where talk should occur, it may cause them to talk in overlap, and it impedes their ability to return to one-speaker-at-a-time. Whilst potentially frustrating for part...
Create a time-lapse video of your Mac screen. Capture your design process, speedpaints, coding, or anything you want to showcase with Hustl.
Fast-turnaround OBS time-lapse processing enabled by up/down deconvolution: a North Sea case studyRising demand for fast-turnaround, high-resolution time-lapse (4D) seismic data increases pressure on service companies to deliver technically innovative solutions within progressively shorter timeframes. ...