First, in most compara- We used this dataset to assess the performance of five widely tive genomics studies, species in comparison often have dif- used MSA tools: CLUSTALW [49], DIALIGN [50], AVID/ ferent divergence distances from their last common ancestor. MAVID [19,51], LAGAN/MLAGAN...
This includes the reservation and usage processes as well as the transport vehicle itself. The abilities of people of different ages need to be taken into consideration. Bike, scooter, and pedelec may become an important role in supporting public transport by bridging the last mile or, in case...
This shortcoming does not exist in turn-on fluorescent probes, i.e., compounds that have very low or no native fluorescence, but are transformed into a fluorescent species after undergoing a chemical reaction induced by the analyte. In this context, non-fluorescent organic compounds that become ...
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