一滴水将你的iPhone Camera变成显微镜圆石· 2012-03-13 下载 国外果粉最近又爆出iPhone新玩儿法:将一粒水珠滴在iPhone镜头上,近距离对准物体拍摄后,得到的竟是显微镜显像级别的超清晰放大照片,要知道不作处理的话iPhone摄像头是无法在近距离拍摄清晰物体的,这一招还真的很灵!感兴趣的朋友可以亲自尝试一下,不过实验...
Ever wanted to play around with a powerful microscope, but don’t have want to spend the thousands needed to buy one? A team of researchers at the University of Houston have come up with an amazing lens that converts the camera on your smartphone into a microscope capable of 15x magnificat...
but, instead of creative effects, it’s more scientific. With the newMicro Phone Lens, which is currently beingcrowdfunded on Kickstarter, you can turn your smartphone into a microscope that captures magnificently magnified views of super tiny things...
The advent of the smartphone鈥攁n integration of the mobile phone with an ultraportable computer, web browser, multimedia player, and camera, has given ... RL Oehler,K Smith,JF Toney - 《Clinical Infectious Diseases An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America》 ...
phone'scamera lensand remains attached, Sung said; it is reusable. For the study, researchers captured images of a human skin-hair follicle histological slide with both the smartphone-PDMS system and an Olympus IX-70 microscope. At a magnification of 120, the smartphone lens was comparable to...
(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are proving that a camera phone can capture far more than photos of people or pets at play. They have now developed a cell phone microscope, or CellScope, that not only takes color i