Connect chapters with introductions, summaries, or transition paragraphs. For instance, bridge chapters that explore the "why" and "how" of a concept. These touches keep readers oriented and make your book feel cohesive. Finally, don’t be afraid to write new content to fill in gaps or ...
The thesis is broken into claims. These are the various parts of your argument or analysis. Each section of the body of your essay will correspond to one of these claims. In the case of thefive-paragraph essay(which contains anintroduction, three body paragraphs, and aconclusion), you will...
Step 6: Turn these ordered pieces of information into smooth paragraphs. Add, subtract and revise material as you see fit. Rule of thumb: When in doubt, start each paragraph with a topic sentence—saying what the paragraph will be about. Then be sure that the rest of the paragra...
1983), 253–279. Translations are cited from “Toward a Theory of Sociable Conduct,” inFriedrich Schleiermacher’s ‘Toward a Theory of Sociable Conduct’ and Essays on Its Intellectual
they’ve been able to search the Internet and explore into Wikipedia entries. ChatGPT offers new abilities for everything from helping with research to doing their homework for them. Many ChatGPT answers already sound like student essays. Ask the new artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to write...