How to use OneDrive on Windows 11 OneDrive comes preloaded on your Windows PC, but how does it work? 1 Why disable OneDrive folder backups? Backing up your important files doesn't sound like a bad thing, but OneDrive also automatically restores your files from the cloud on your computer s...
edit: Time passed has now been ~40 minutes, and still on cleanup Windows Update files but the progress bar looks like about 90% done. I have no idea if this is for ALL of the cleanup of system files or still only for the Windows Update files. So I am still in the cleanup of th...
Constant PowerShell state changed events in Windows Appliction Log Continue a Windows PowerShell Script After Restart Continue after error Control MP4 playback using powershell Control size of Excel window openned with PoweShell? Conversion error when inserting into a SQL Server table Convert a perl ...
I really can't remember I've also set my HDDs to never go to sleep last time I installed Windows. So thanks for reminding me, Brink! From a power saving perspective, the default 20 minutes make sense. But it adds extra wear on the drive, if it needs to shutdown and bootup more....
Hi all, Im having trouble with my computer, it looks like there is some hidden process running in the background causing my GPU to render my graphics at a lower rate. I cant seem to find the malware that has infected my computer. Help would be greatly ap
If you have removed all the connected devices from the computer and you don't see an error message on the screen, you might want to try using a rescue disc. If you have the Windows DVD, you can use it or you can download a rescue disc image (using another computer) and burn it to...
Can't connect to MySQL on Ubuntu VM running on Hyper V from Workbench running on Windows Server 2012 Host Can't create a production checkpoint on VM. Can't delete a virtual machine Can't delete some old VHDX files Can't eject DVD ISO from Hyper-V guest machine on Windows 10 Enterprise...
\\n \\\"\\\": \\\"Windows PowerShell\\\",\\n \\\"\\\": {\\n \\\"PowerShell\\\": {\\n \\\"source\\\": \\\"PowerShell\\\",\\n \\\"icon\\\": \\\"terminal-powershell\\\"\\n },\\n \\\...
Method 1: Turn off Problem Reporting in Windows 10 via Registry Editor Open Registry Editorand navigate to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting. Right-click on the “Windows Error Reporting” key in the left side and selectNew->DWORD (32-bit) Value. ...
If you have left a memory card, DVD, or USB drive in your notebook, this could be a reason why your laptop doesn’t power on. It might be getting “stuck” because the BIOS may be trying to boot from a removable storage device. Remove all USB drives and other devices and try to ...