You need to turn off or disable the User Account Controls (UAC) temporarily in Windows. You may need to have UAC disabled when reinstalling a piece of software such as F/X CAD because your computer is not allowing you to install correctly. Solution 1.Open your Start menu, and typeUACin ...
Step 1– Open the Windows “Control Panel” by clicking “Start,” then “Settings,” then the “Control Panel” icon. Step 2– Open “User Accounts” on the subsequently displayed Control Panel window. Step 3– Click “User Accounts,” then “Turn User Account Control Off,” and click ...
打开或关闭账户控制Click Turn User Account Control on or off.点击转入用户帐户控制或关闭。
关闭用户帐户控制 用户帐户控制是每次执行以显着方式修改Windows的操作时看到的令人讨厌的弹出窗口(在Windows Vista中比Windows 7更常见)。当然,它出于安全目的,但一段时间后会变得非常恼人。幸运的是,它可以完全关闭。 在我们继续之前,我应该注意用户帐户控制对某些用户很重要。它可以防止运行或安装可能损害您PC的可执...
To turn off UAC do the following. 1.) Go to control panel 2.) Select User Accounts and Family Safety Turn off Windows 7 User Account Control 3) Then select User Accounts Disable Windows 7 User Account Control 4) Then select Change User Account Control settings ...
通過Steve Horton 九月22, 2011 UAC, user account control, Windows 7, windows vista 沒有評論 插圖: 戈登麥克阿爾平 用戶帳戶控制是每次執行以顯著方式修改Windows的操作時看到的令人討厭的彈出窗口(在Windows Vista中比Windows 7更常見)。當然,它出於安全目的,但一段時間後會變得非常惱人。幸運的是,它...
Press the Windows key, type UAC, and click Change User Account Control settings from the top result in the Start menu. The first time opening UAC, it will be set to Notify me only when apps try to start to make changes to my computer by default, but you can change it to what work...
How to turn off User Account Control (UAC) in Windows in order to troubleshoot a software issue or to allow a program to run better, especially when it interacts with other software. UAC is a Microsoft security tool that helps prevent intrusion of malici
That said, to turn off User Account Control or make it less frequent: ClickStart ClickControl Panel ClickUser Accounts ClickChange User Account Control Settings Drag the slider to an appropriate level ClickOKwhen done You’ll see this notice far less often, if at all, depending on your settin...
2. How to Turn Off User Account Control Using the Registry Editor You can also use Registry Editor and modify system policies to disable User Account Control on your Windows computer. Here’s how to do it. Note that modification to your registry entries involves risk. Incorrect modifications ca...