If you connect to a TV compatible with HDTV Link with a HDMI mini cable (optional) and turn off the power on the TV with the remote control for the TV, the power on the camera also turns off. us.leica-camera.com 如果用 HDMI mini電纜(另購件)將本機連接到與HDTV Link相容的電視上,...
To repress the expression of villin gene in MDCK Tet-Off transfected cells, cells were cultured in the presence of 10 ng/ml doxycycline as described previously27. Antibodies and C-19 respectively) wReerae gpuerncthsa.s edMfroonmoSclaonntaalCarnutzibboidotieecshangoailongstyNanHd2 and COOH-...
(1)Have your camera at the ready and click away when you spot something.(2)Walk inside and an owl stands on a branch,and no matter from which angle you look at it,the bird seems to be watching you.(3)The image of a dragon is familiar to...
phagocytosis is thought to proceed through the sequential engagement of Fc-receptors on the phagocyte with antibodies on the target surface, leading to the extension and closure of the phagocytic cup around the target. We find that
In the small intestine, epithelial cells are derived from stem cells in the crypts, migrate up the villus as they differentiate and are ultimately shed from the villus tips. This process of proliferation and shedding is tightly regulated to maintain the
Hence, the magnitude of the current in the faulty part of the stator winding was significantly higher than the rated current of the machine. This current generates excessive heat, which is perceived by an infrared camera as a hot spot on the motor surface. The developed method is based on ...
Proanthocyanidins and icariin have beneficial effects on bone health; they have improved the bone weight reduction, the length and the diameter of the bone, calcium, and phosphorus content in bone ash, bone mineral density (BMD), the biochemical markers of bone turnover and uterus atrophy induced...