record = (ICertRecord) mCertDB.readCertificateRecord(serialNum); it searches for the serial number of the certificate presented once the attributes are retrieved, some processing is done for cert status verification, among other things, then there is another search to verify this certificate is so...
In above case, ssl validation is turned off. Still the request fails, because hostname verification fails (i.e. localhost is not equal to the intended server name). Of course, ssl validation and hostname verification is not the same, but I cannot remember a single case in my career in ...
Certificate Alias: The alternate unique name that is used to reference the certificate (for example, LiveCycleCertCert). Keystore filename: The name of the keystore that is assigned to store the keys and the certificate (for example, lces). Install verification samples (Forms, Outp...
How do I connect to FTP over TLS with explicit SSL using Windows 10 File Explorer? How do I default login screen to have Local or domain account password selected? How do i disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" setting, as a default setting within Windo...
How to log off a single AD user from a list of servers How to login automatically during OneDrive Configuration Wizard using PowerShell script? how to make a .exe application to run in background How to make a text box as transparent using powershell How to make the width of powershell ...
Ports refuse to open with firewall on or off Ports required to replicate DCs Possible deadlock condition Possible heap corruption detected (exception code 3221225477) Possible to check if user is logged on to the domain Post Patching checks and verification. Powershell - find computers that a sp...
I would like to turn off the dosvc services due to improper environment. So I commanded 'sc config dosvc start= disabled' on cmd but access denied. Is it only way to change registry key to command 'reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DelveryOptimization\Config" /v DODow...
Test conditions: I used gpedit.msc to set the local GPO 'Turn off toast messages on lock screen = enabled' and the RemindMe app to generate messages.As described earlier, with the GPO 'Turn off toast messages' set the notifications get suppressed and also with the registry entry:[HKEY_...
How do I connect to FTP over TLS with explicit SSL using Windows 10 File Explorer? How do I default login screen to have Local or domain account password selected? How do i disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" setting, as a default setting within Windo...
How do I connect to FTP over TLS with explicit SSL using Windows 10 File Explorer? How do I default login screen to have Local or domain account password selected? How do i disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" setting, as a default setting within Windo...