Get notified about your text messages, missed calls, or voicemail. Get notifications on Chrome You can see Chrome notifications for new text messages, missed calls, and voicemail transcripts.
To turn off notifications for Google Voice, open the Google Voice app, press Menu->Settings->Sync and notifications, and uncheck the boxes for text and voicemail notifications.NOTE: This is based on Android 4.0+, some of these apps (especially Google Talk) may function differently on pre-ICS...
Here we collect several ways to tell you how to switch off VoicceOver on iPhone. Method 1. Using Home button shortcut This is the fastest way to disable VoiceOver if you have the Home button triple-click shortcut set up. Tap Home button three times quickly until you hear "VoiceOver ...
How to Turn AirDrop Off on iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide How to Fix iPad is Disabled Connect to iTunes? Why is iPhone Voicemail Full? Fixes in 2025 How To Add Music In iMovie On iPhone in 2025 How to Add Music to iPhone in 2025: 5 Methods ...
Here's how to turn sounds for calls from unknown numbers on or off with your iPhone. Calls from unknown numbers are silenced, sent to voicemail and displayed on the 'Recents' list. Phone numbers that call and have been previously texted or shared an email including the phone number are not...
To provide our customers with additional security, we added a new checkbox to the Xfinity Email website. This may affect your ability to manage your Xfinity Email ( through third-party programs like Outlook, Google, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, and more. These programs could expose you...
To turn off the vibration for individual alerts, open theSettingsapp on your iPhone. Inside Settings, selectSounds & Haptics. On this screen, scroll down to the “Sounds And Haptic Patterns” section. In this section, you can configure any of these options –Ringtone,Text Tone,New Voicemail,...
You'll find updated Apple Intelligence capabilities, new wallpapers, and enhancements to Calculator, PDF cropping, and Live Voicemail, among other useful features. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 18.3 update.
This will work for other similar settings as well, such as your text tone, voicemails, calendars, reminders, and more. Another vibration setting that people like to change involves the alarms. You can adjust this setting by going to Clock > Alarm > Edit > choose the alarm > Sound > Vibr...
Warnings You may miss important updates if you turn off mobile notifications. Lori Kaufman Get Mortgage Advice Close to Home Why Google Workspace for Business is Worth the Upgrade Four Easy Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe Online Stop Paying Too Much for Your Prescriptions - Compare Prices, Find Fre...