Cannot turn off Focus Assist in Windows 11/10 If you are not able to switch it off, you can still choose the Alarms-only mode to hide all notifications except for alarms. If you don’t have an alarm set, it is as good as Focus Assist turned off. However, it’s only a workaround...
I have gone to Focus, tapped Do Not Disturb, but for the life of me cannot see somewhere to actually turn Do Not Disturb off. This is the first time I have had to do it since I recently upgraded. I have no idea how it turned on, but I cannot see where to turn it off even th...
Switch Between Focus Assist Modes from Settings This option is only available starting withWindows 10 build 17074. 1OpenSettings, and click/tap on theSystemicon. 2Click/tap onFocus assiston the left side, and select (dot)Off,Priority only, orAlarms onlyon the right side for what mode you ...
Do not disturb allows you to avoid distracting notifications when you need to stay focused. It's set by default to activate automatically when you're duplicating your display, playing a game, or using an app in full screen mode. You can control any or all of these, as well as determining...
Critical alerts can appear on the lock screen and play a sound even if a Focus is on or your iPhone is muted, to send notifications that you don't want to miss. If you don't need this function or you would like to shut it off temporarily, you can manage it in settings. ...
Focus 管理通知以减少干扰。 可以将其打开,以在会议、游戏或特定时段暂停或静音警报。 选择“开始>设置”>“系统>焦点”。 若要启动焦点模式,请选择“启动焦点会话”。 在“焦点”下,使用+或-按钮调整会话持续时间。 还可以选中或取消选中“在时钟应用中显示计时器”、“隐藏任务栏应用上的锁屏提醒”、“隐藏任务...
If you want to hide notifications without turning them off entirely, you can always temporarily mute them using Focus Assist. Step 1:Open up the Action Center by pressing on theNotificationicon on the far right-hand side of the Windows taskbar (it looks like a little dialogue box) or by ...
5. Get Off the Couch! Walk, Run, or Soar! Physical activity of any kind helps increase neurogenesis as well as stimulates the production of neurotrophins. So, it does not matter what you do: Just get up and do something! Of course, before starting any new exercise routine, be sure to...
While not as broadly applicable as other apps, it achieves its narrow focus very well. The app uses 14 different presets with different colors and pen outlines. The presets also change the consistency of the “paint,” so you can make those colors run together or keep shapes more distinct...
Test conditions: I used gpedit.msc to set the local GPO 'Turn off toast messages on lock screen = enabled' and the RemindMe app to generate messages.As described earlier, with the GPO 'Turn off toast messages' set the notifications get suppressed and also with the registry entry:[HKEY_...