turn into Totransforminto; become. 438 Views “ Thecarriageturned into apumpkinat midnight. CollectionEdit Submitted on August 09, 2009 Citation Use the citation below to add thisturn intodefinition to your bibliography: Style:MLAChicagoAPA
Civis Americanus Sum: Indian Citizenship, New Immigrant Naturalization, and the Politics of Civic Identity at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturyStanciu, Cristina
Multilevel Contextual Influences on Voter Turnout Partisan Cross-Pressure and Voter Turnout in Erie County, New YorkBelanger, P. MEagles, M
How the effect of political knowledge on turnout differs in plurality electoral systemsS. FisherL. Lessard-PhillipsS. HoboltJ. Curtice
Reframing Family in Identity/Difference: Towards a Critical/Cultural TurnHo, Philip
Sepharadi Families and Communal Identity at the Turn of the Sixteenth CenturyCohen, Binyamin
The Boundary of Collective Identity: The Working-Class Identities in Chicago and Philadelphia at the Turn of the 20th CenturySonn, Jaesok
The Pragmatic Turn in Organizational (Rhetorical) PracticeLair, Daniel
Nicholson, Daniel Adam
Johnston, Richard J., Scott Matthews, and Amanda Bittner. “Alienation, Indifference, Competitiveness and Turnout: Evidence from Canada, 1988–2004.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 31st–September 3rd, 2006 ....