Hi doug.Thank you for your answer . But I have a vector H (201,1) whose a values correspond to vlues of vector r (201,1). Therfore I pltted H as a function of r using plot(r,H). Now, I would like to plot in 3D using mesh but H as a function of x ...
We’ve selected the top part of our Metahuman’s skull in the image above. You can also adjust any facial features using this method. Next, it’s time to add some life in color to the mesh. A good starting point is to move to the “skin” tab to add a skin color and choose fro...
I have exported a model from Navisworks as an FBX and converted it again in 3ds max into obj for the import into Inventor. I now have the desired model in Inventor, but it is a mesh. Is there a way I can clean up the mesh or make it a solid that can be changed? I want to ...
The EAGLEUP attribute gets a third parameter to modifyZ-axisoffset without modifying the 3D model. On the image above the Led have 0.5mm offsets. Syntax can include {part_name} {;{M}{Rxxx}} {;yyy.yy u}, where yyy.yy is the vertical offset (positive or negative float value) and u...
In the Image Trace Panel, set the Paths to 90%, the Corners to 0%, the Noise to 1% and be sure to have the ‘Ignore White’ option checked. Step 6 Now in the top bar, click on the ‘Expand’ button. Step 7 Go to Object > Ungroup. Using the Selection Tool (V) click and dra...
These numbers represent that way that a 2D image can be mapped to a 3D surface, and enable surface properties to be defined as an image. The images can be simple decals or complex material components, such as roughness and metallic. You can manually generate UV positions for...
I am trying to turn this script into a .gif file. I tried using movie2gif, imwrite, and write but was unsuccesfull. Below is the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated. % Bounds and resolution of mesh x=0:0.1:10; t=0:300:10000; ...
which i have then imported into sap. it does not work, the box falls into faces and line elements, it does not stay a solid box. i really am afraid i can not go around creating a 3d polygon mesh. can you try to convert a solid box into a polygon mesh in 3ds max, and let me...
There are also classes for various logical groups that describe certain things, such as the way a mesh is stored in OpenGL memory. They serve as datastores and are populated by the Renderer, which creates the relevant OpenGL objects and stores them. As an added bonus, if we end up moving...
involved in the new study used an algorithm called Stable Diffusion, similar to other text-to-image "generative" AIs such as DALL-E 2. The software can produce new images from text prompts. The team reduced the training time for each participant by incorporating photo captions into the ...