Turn-by-turn是谷歌地图出的最近的技术,google maps 5.0才更新的。它的最大优点就是能事实监视你的导航路程上的路况和交通堵塞。从来实现避开故障路段或者前方拥挤的头疼状况!
网络释义 1. 路线规划导航功能 Ovi 地图有支援路线规划导航功能(turn-by-turn),若是行驶偏离原规划路线时,会自动重新规划;现在更加入了智慧型中文 … jay506.pixnet.net|基于799个网页 2. 逐向 其它增加的功能包括逐向(turn-by-turn)语音导航服务,和一个被称为“Passbook”的新的内置应用,可以帮助用户管理电...
据华尔街日报消息,Google 已对外发放“测试”版本的iOS Google地图,据原文里的消息人士称,该应用正在进行最后的收尾工作,有望在不久后提交给App Store 审核。 关于iOS 版Google地图的消息已经听过不少,但这次传出了新的东西:iPhone 的Google地图有望加入turn-by-turn导航特性,这在此前Google地图的iOS版本当中是没...
Free turn-by-turn navigation was a revolutionary feature for Google Maps, but it wouldn’t work without quality smartphones capable of handling the app. Some credit should go toMotorola’s Droid,a key device in Android’s history with1.05 million units soldthrough the first 74 days of its r...
Google Maps now lets you avoid turn by turn navigation during voice calls Google is bringing a new update to Maps that adds a couple of features and improvements. The update that bumps the app to version 9.20, lets you switch off the turn by turn by navigation during a voic...
Google Share on Facebook GPS (redirected fromturn-by-turn directions) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia GPS abbr. GlobalPositioningSystem gps abbr. gallonspersecond AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughtonMifflinHarcourtPublishingCompany.PublishedbyHoughtonMifflinHarcourt...
Google is including a number of cool features (many of these are part of the features you’d see planning a route using Google Maps through a regular web browser). When Maps shows you the route, you can see how traffic looks on different parts of your drive. You can also see your rou...
While it has limitations, Android Go is being improved upon every day. Google Maps Go is an example of this, as you can now use turn by turn navigation.
Apple's decision to abandon Google Maps with iOS 6 and implement its own mapping solution was reportedly driven by a disagreement between Apple and Google over turn-by-turn navigation.