The last generation was mostly about getting people into the limelight and giving them the power to express themselves, what is this generation going to be all about? We’ve got an inkling of what it could be, and boy does it look awesome. Unlike last generation’s user focus, the next ...
276. I work mostly during the week, and on the weekend I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well. ― Jimmy Bennett 277. “The rhythm of the weekend, with itsbirth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute f...
In this day and age, nobody really fears the artist as a threat to moral codes. Media is exchanged quicker than stolen tourist notes in Barcelona; do you have the energy (or the stupidity) to read into G.G. Allin’s background, only to stop listening to his music once you discover ...
extremely talented child, she never succeeded at school, which bothered her greatly. She dropped out of public education as soon as it was possible and took her education into her own hands. Mia excelled at the paths she chose, until finally finding her calling as a very successful stunt ...
下面哪个语句可以正常执行()假设存在表emp(id number,name varchar2(20),birth date,age number) A. insert emp values(1,’xx’,to_date(‘1990-10-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’),20); B. insert into emp values(’xx’,1, to_date(‘1990-10-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’),20); C. insert into emp(...
Hundreds of kilometres away, a retired female official had returned to her native village to try and engage her fellow villagers—most of whom were of the same age group as herself—to recycle, compost, and forgo the use of chemical fertilizers when farming. A much-publicized model village in...