turnaround time 英[ˈtə:nəraund taim]美[ˈtɚnəˌraʊnd taɪm]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 周转[转向]时间[周期]; 双语例句 全部 1. What are your minimums, what is your turnaround time, and what is your price per tube? 请问你对此有何极小, 你有什么转机的时候, 你有...
turnaround time 英[ˈtə:nəraund taim] 美[ˈtɚnəˌraʊnd taɪm] 释义 周转[转向]时间[周期] 大小写变形:Turnaround Time 实用场景例句 全部 What are your minimums, what is yourturnaround time, and what is your price per tube?
turn around time 美 英 na.(完成某事〔某项工程等〕所需的)周转时间 网络完成时间;换向时间,往返时间;来回时间 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. (完成某事〔某项工程等〕所需的)周转时间 释义: 全部,周转时间,完成时间,换向时间,往返时间,来回时间
References in periodicals archive ? This could reduce the turn-around time. However, our data illustrate that, assuming all the communication issues associated with sharing digital slides between institutions are resolved, the overall turn-around time could only be improved by approximately 1 day, whi...
turn around time 美 英 na.(完成某事〔某项工程等〕所需的)周转时间 网络一贯制程所需时间;完成时间;回转率 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. (完成某事〔某项工程等〕所需的)周转时间 释义: 全部,周转时间,一贯制程所需时间,完成时间,回转率
turnaround time n (Computer Science)computingthe total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
This turnaround time, also called process lead time (PLT), will be impacted by two conditions of the process. First is the number of other items, or WIP (work in process), in the process that has to be completed before the next job is started. Second is how fast items already in th...
time of turnaround of freight cars货车周转时间 turnaround documents【经】 周转文件 turnaround speed周转速度 turnaround plan检修计划 turnaround sequence转向序列 在循环操作中,主站发送的唯一的16位序列,它告诉次站,主站将由发送者变为接收者。 turnaround of unit装置工作周期,装置检修 ...
23 【Karmatic!Karmatic Time Trio】by me 策划/曲目v1:@CausalRuling_HM版本I视频制作/曲目v2/曲目v3(作曲):@账号已注销_坚果贴图/曲绘:@_shoes_本视频视频制作/视频导出:@131_MoYun版本II视频制作:@Exclamation_GTH加载字幕/kktt官方字幕师:@一条屑鱼_official可视化:@可能事xipr吉祥物:@A_SV_OFFICIAL参演:...
Turnaround time definition: the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer. See examples of TURNAROUND TIME used in a sentence.