A couple weeks ago, I did a fun DIY project to turn a seldom worn t-shirt into a workout tank-top. I was pretty proud of myself for figuring it out! After putting pictures on FB and Instagram, lots of you asked how I did it, so I recruited hubby’s extra set of hands to mak...
Once again, you’ll need a picture frame, some fabric and a glue gun. The project is described in detail on wishfultinker but you can probably figure out all that needs to be done just by looking at this thing. After all, it’s pretty simple and it’s always nice to add a ...
We frame a picture and we frame a story. In motion pictures we frame both. And so, who is presenting us the parable of Sunrise? Early in the film we are shown. As the man leaves his home to pursue temptation in the marsh, we are given a sudden unaccountable explanatory insert. Two...