Turmoil - The Heat Is On is a brand new campaign with tons of oil to dig up and convert into cash! It is designed to make you feel right at home, but at the same time offer lots of new mechanics and fun features. Here's what you can expect! A new town (and mayor!) and a...
Turmoil: The Heat Is On Gamious 2018-03-21独立 中文 0 想玩 0 在玩 1 玩过 0 已购买 0 在关注 列表 贡献 点评 举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 - . - 《石油骚动:热力沸腾》是本作最新资料片,这里将会有成吨的石油可供开采,它们会变成白花花的钞票!在资料片中,...
Cause here inTurmoil, we’ve turned up the stakes -The Heat is On. Game dev Gamious released the base-game for this DLC back in June of 2016.Turmoilis a super fun simulation game available on Steam and iOS where you play a hopeful oil baron working his or her hardest to find all th...
I have to admit, whenTurmoil: the Heat is Oncame across my desk, I had zero interest in it. I’m not big on sim or economic games, and I’m not excited about something that centers around the oil industry. So many of the problems we’ve gotten ourselves into as a species are dir...
“My mind is in a turmoil.” A proper translation of this sentence could be: A. 我的头脑在一个
Turmoil - The Heat Is On 是一个全新的活动,有大量石油可供挖掘并转化为现金!它的设计让您有宾至如归的感觉,同时还提供了许多新的机制和有趣的功能。以下是您可以期待的内容! 一个新的城镇(和市长!)和一个石油资源丰富的新地图,分为三个区域。 每个区域都引入了新的钻探机制,由新的地下物质岩浆提供动力。
名称:Turmoil - The Heat Is On 类型:独立,模拟,策略 开发商:Gamious 发行商:Gamious 发行日期:2018 年 3 月 21 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏Turmoil才能畅玩。 购买Turmoil - The Heat Is On ...
Turmoil - The Heat Is On 等待更多的评分 中文(简体), English & 8 更多 22 立即付款添加到购物车作为礼物购买立即付款添加到购物车作为礼物购买Buy now安装 加入愿望单已加入愿望单 介绍 Turmoil - The Heat Is Onis a brand new campaign with tons of oil to dig up and convert into cash! It is desi...
Turmoil - The Heat Is On is a brand new campaign with tons of oil to dig up and convert into cash! It is designed to make you feel right at home, but at the same time offer lots of new mechanics and fun features. Features: