In addition to its dietary use, turmeric also has a long history of medicinal uses in the various traditional and folk systems of medicine and is used to treat burns, wounds, gastrointestinal ailments, heart conditions, arthritis, and inflammatory conditions. Studies carried out in the past have...
A review of available randomized, controlled trialsconfirmedthat, of the eight studies available fitting the criteria, “these [randomized clinical trials] provide scientific evidence that supports the efficacy of turmeric extract (about 1000 mg/day of curcumin) in the treatment of arthritis.” ...
Researchers suspect that some or all painful arthritis inflammation may be caused by free radicals in the body. Free radicals—unstable molecules or atoms missing an electron—occur naturally in the body, but too many cause oxidative stress, which is linked to inflammation. Antioxidant foods, such ...
Duration of treatment ranged from 4 weeks to 4 months. Pooled results showed no difference between curcumin and other analgesic medications, suggesting standardized turmeric extracts (typically 1 g/day of curcumin) can reduce arthritis symptoms (mainly pain and inflammation-related symptoms) and result...
If you suffer from arthritis pain you might want to consider adding more turmeric in your daily diet, since it is shown to help reduce the pain connected from arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Since the regular course of treatment for arthritis is concentrated around pain man...
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals which cause the painful inflammation and damage to joints affected by arthritis. This also makes turmeric a reliable option for arthritis and reducing the painful condition in your dog. Turmeric Can Replace Steroid Treatment ...
Pain Management: Beyond arthritis, turmeric is beneficial for various types of pain, including back and muscle pain. Inflammation Reduction: Useful in treating chronic inflammation associated with lupus and IBS. Cancer Prevention and Treatment: Turmeric may play a role in cancer prevention and treatmen...
Curcumin has shown great promise as an alternative treatment for arthritis. Studies indicate that its anti-inflammatory properties significantly reduce the stiffness, swelling, and pain associated with this condition.(5) Struggling with arthritis? Check out some of thebest vegan glucosamine supplementscurr...
Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. Journal of Medicinal Food. 1, August 2016. Hanai H, Sugimoto K. Curcumin has bright prospects for the treatment of inflammatory bowel ...
The researchers concluded thatcurcumin could be used as an effective and safe treatment for patients with major depression.[xi] Curcumin Reduces Stress Turmeric has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to manage stress and depression-related disorders. Scientists had already figured out turmer...