必应词典为您提供turku-airport的释义,网络释义: 图尔库机场;地标;
图尔库机场 (IATA:TKU,ICAO:EFTU) 位于芬兰图尔库,距市中心以北 8 公里(5.0 英里),位于图尔库 Maaria-Paattinen 区的 Lentokentta(芬兰语意为“机场”;瑞典语:Flygfaltet)区。它每年服务约 450,000 名乘客,是芬兰按乘客数量计算的第四大繁忙机场(2019 年)和按货运吨数计算的第二大繁忙机场(2012 年)。图...
Turku Airport (Turku) TKU 概览和FBO No information about EFTU currently available Fuel Prices (Jet A, 100LL) Airport FBOs at TKU NameContactReady to Taxi™100LL100LL SSJet AJet A+PristFeeWiFiCrew CarRental CarRatings and Reviews Airpro Oy+358207084759...
Turku Airport (Turku) TKU 天气Turku (TKU / EFTU) 晴天 静风 5 °C TKU终端机场天气预报DateTime (EET)Flight RulesWind Dir.SpeedTypeHeight AGL (ft)VisibilityRemarks 10-三月 10:00 LIFR 130° 10 kt Broken 400 2500 meters. Becoming. Mist. ...
英文名称:Turku Airport 机场四字码:EFTU 国家/地区:芬兰(Finland) 时区:UTC/GMT+1 所属区域:()-图尔库(Turku) 海关机场:是 详细地址:Lentoasemantie 150, 20360 Turku, 芬兰 联系电话:+358 20 7084717 银行信息:Closed on Saturday and Sunday. 芬兰空运服务中国到芬兰空运价格芬兰机场三字码 图尔库机场(IATA...
Today, Turku Airport is one of the busiest airports the country, both in passenger traffic and cargo. Turku Airport (IATA: TKU, ICAO: EFTU), is located in Turku, Finland, 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) north of the center, in Lentokenttä district in the Maaria-Paattinen ward of Turku. ...
图尔库天气:为您提供芬兰图尔库(Turku Airport)的未来一周天气预报、全年平均气温、最低温度、最高温度、降雨量、平均降雨天数查询等服务,是您到芬兰图尔库旅游的好帮手。
FAQs about Turku Airport Is Turku the only airport in Turku? No, there are 3 airports in Turku. These areHelsinki-Vantaa,TurkuandTampere-Pirkkala. What is the busiest day to depart from Turku Airport? The day with the most flights departing from Turku Airport is generally Monday, with an ...
TURKU AIRPORT 机场名称: 图尔库机场 所在城市(英): TURKU 所在城市: 图尔库 所在国家(英): FINLAND 所在国家: 芬兰 机场三字代码: TKU 机场介绍: 优势航线 友情链接:时刻新闻/物贸汇/搜航网/运哪去网/i跟踪/环球运费网/海管家/中国航运网/立刻网/货运宝/企博商学院/中国航贸网/我来运/九九物流网/第一工...
What is the cheapest day of the week to book a hotel near Turku Airport? Tuesday offers the lowest rates near Turku Airport, with an average nightly price of $110. The highest prices are found on Saturday, with average rates at $213. How much is a hotel near Turku Airport for tonight...