Define Turkish. Turkish synonyms, Turkish pronunciation, Turkish translation, English dictionary definition of Turkish. adj. Of or relating to Turkey or its peoples, languages, or cultures. n. 1. The Turkic language of Turkey. 2. Ottoman Turkish. America
ReversoEnglish > TurkishTurkish > English * Automatic machine translation can enable you to understand a piece of foreign text, but is rarely accurate or reliable and is no substitute for a human translator. Turkish Dictionary (monolingual)
About Turkish to English Language Translation Turkish to English Translation is a free online translation services tool. This online Turkish to English translation uses Google transliteration. Google translate tool is accurate and fast. Turkish Translator tool is simple to convert from Turkish to English...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Turkish tobacco- a dark aromatic tobacco of eastern Europe th...
English Chinese A study of health professionals shows that more than 1 in 2health managers have given upin the past 4 years 一项卫生专业人员调查显示,每2名卫生管理者中就有一人以上在过去四年中丢弃了,这是整个国家的情况写照。 WHO A new study of health professionals showing that more than 1 in...
The Representative urged the Office of the Governor of Van to proceed with the implementation of the Plan of Action; he further recommended that the Turkish Government should assist the Van Governorate and support similar initiatives in other parts of the country. 秘书长代表大力鼓励凡城省省长办公...
Turkish English Dictionary - daha azin English: 1.less You should smoke less. The less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it. Tom began reading that book three weeks ago and he still has only read less than half of it. ...
Great translator! Started to use as a backup for google translate, but lately found myself using mostly PROMT. VB Vineeth Basil Joseph04.06.2020 I understood how it works once i opened this app. Very good. My request to you for adding the language hindi-english in download page. I AM ...
Turkish English Dictionary - butonin English: 1. button acorn button Tom stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor. Hold the button down until you hear the shutter make a clicking sound. Since there are usually multiple websites on any given topic, I usually just ...
According to English Language & Usage, a Welsh version of this saying appears in A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Explained in English: Ni fell zygwyz aval o avall The apple will not fall far from the tree The spelling here is unusal and non-standard: z = dd and v = f, so in...