Even my nephew in the classroom is learning with it very comfortably because it works offline, and because he likes to play!" Shawn Borowski "FunEasyLearn is the best app for studying! It's user-friendly and entertaining! Helping me to learn. Many expressions classified by theme. Great for...
During the program, in which the study was carried out, the complex structure of Turkish had been a big challenge for participants; thus, the instructors, when necessary, had to use English as the common language to communicate with students and to overcome this complexity by showing grammatical...
Abstract In this chapter, examples of advanced theoretical expression of Turkish as a foreign language and the activities in this level are presented. In developing advanced language activities, the theoretical framework and the stages of the TTFL process were taken into account. This theoretical frame...
In the study, some indicators of the basic language skills of bilingual children were examined according to the multi-grade classroom and COVID-19 factors. The universe of the study is bilingual children studying in multi-grade classrooms of primary education in Muş province. The population is...
In his longitudinal study, Hellermann (2009) examines the interactions of an adult learner of English in a language classroom. He investigates negative responses in dispreferred turn designs, and in particular focuses on the use of ‘no’. He reveals that the use of ‘no’ for the purposes ...
* Classroom: 24 popular objects in school. * Dates: includes 7 days of week, 12 months and 4 seasons in a year! * Christmas & Halloween: During festivals like Christmas, Halloween and New Year a lot of vocabulary related to celebrations can easily sink into you. --- FEEDBACK & SUPPORT...
Such programmes also need to consider the emotional well-being and mental health of Syrian refugee children, who suffer from the repercussions of the traumatic experiences caused by civil war and displacement, and provide avenues for integrating their perspectives in the classroom and in the wider ...
Pavlenko, Aneta. 2013. The affective turn in SLA: From “affective factors” to “language desire” and “commodification of affect.”. In Danuta Gabrys-Barker & Joanna Bielska (eds.),, 3–28. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.Search in Google Scholar ...
This study aims to adapt the Artificial Intelligence Attitude Scale (AIAS-4) (Grassini, 2023) into Turkish, where there are no measures that can be used in different contexts and by different organizations to assess the overall attitude towards AI and test its validity and reliability. The ...
Teachers Sense of Self-Efficacy, English Proficiency, and Instructional Strategies: A Study of Nonnative EFL Teachers in Iran TESL-EJ, 11 (4) (2008) Google Scholar Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy, 2001 M. Tschannen-Moran, A. Woolfolk Hoy Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct Tea...