如果您搭乘的国际航班经停伊斯坦布尔,中转时间为 6 至 24 小时,可以体验 Touristanbul。如果您的停留时间为 6 至 24 小时,且所提供的游览适合您的中途停留时间,您就可以参加 Touristanbul。 伊斯坦布尔机场设有两个 Touristanbul 服务台:一个位于中转区,另一个位于到达层。 要了解我们旅游团的详细信息并确定您是否...
You are invited to an enjoyable Istanbul tour if there are at least 6 hours to your connecting international flight.
You are invited to an enjoyable Istanbul tour if there are at least 6 hours to your connecting international flight.
learned that Turkish Airlines has launched a Transit free day tour of the City Tour trip ... So we came back early in order to take part in the Turkish Airlines Istanbul Day trip, which shares our trip to City Tour, which includes transportation, attractions and meals ...
抵達伊斯坦堡機場後,會有專人接送您。 然後您將被帶到歷史名勝和美麗的餐廳。 您將享受伊斯坦堡的歷史和自然美景,而不是浪費時間在機場等待。 精彩的導覽行程結束後,您將被帶往伊斯坦堡機場。 在導覽行程期間,您將能夠看到這座曾經承載過世界主要文明的城市最重要的歷史景點。 您將成為每個在歷史上留下的許...
It can be worth considering taking advantage of Turkish Airlines free stopover offerings. These come in two forms. If you have a connection of between 6 and 24 hours, Touristanbul offers free city tours and experiences as an alternative to spending 8 hours in the terminal. You simply go to...
Passengers under 18 years of age who are traveling alone cannot use the Stopover accommodation service. Turkish Airlines reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Stopover service in Istanbul.
Touristanbul What is TourIstanbul? How to apply? Tour schedule Places to see FAQ Blue Mosque The Sultan Ahmed Mosque, known as the Blue Mosque, is the most important historical sights of Istanbul. For the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior, it is called Blue Mosque. The ...
Here’s a pretty cool travel “trick”: Turkish Airlines will either put you up in a hotel for the night or give you a free tour of the city if you have a long enough layover in Istanbul-IST. Here’s how to get the free hotel room: ...
Touristanbul 什麼是伊斯坦堡過境觀光? 如何申請? 導覽行程時間表 要參觀的地方 常見問答 要參觀的地方 伊斯坦堡可以參觀的地方不勝枚舉。 伊斯坦堡過境觀光為您提供了一個絕好機會,令您一睹歷史悠久的博物館、美麗的景色以及其他景觀。 準備好迎接美妙的體驗,在伊斯坦堡的每一刻都充滿歡樂。