“Turkey”一词在英语中的基本含义为“火鸡”,而因为重名,土耳其也常被调侃为“火鸡共和国”。 Type “Turkey” into Google, and you will get a muddled set of images, articles, and dictionary definitions that conflate the country with Meleagris ...
土耳其外交部长梅夫吕特·恰武什奥卢表示,决定更改国名是土耳其为“提升本国在国际舞台上的威望”而采取的措施之一。 Cavusoglu reportedly said that the change in the spelling was adopted as part of the steps aimed at increasing the...
Spelling Note The Republic of Türkiye changed its official name from the Republic of Turkey on May 26, 2022, in a request submitted to the secretary-general of the United Nations by the country's minister of foreign affairs. Discover More ...
The change in the spelling was adopted as part of the steps aimed at increasing the country's prestige in the international arena. 国名的更改也是土耳其提高在国际舞台中声望和地位的关键一步。 对于土耳其改名一事,网友们也给出了自己的评价: @那波夏:以前背单词的时候就在想为什么土耳其要和火鸡一个单词...
To find more results or refine existing ones, please check the spelling or use a more general keyword. Suggestions NEW IN WOMEN NEW IN MEN JOLIE MADAME BAGS MEN UNICORN SNEAKERS WOMEN DRESSES MEN JACKETS WOMEN T-SHIRTS MEN T-SHIRTS SS25 WOMEN'S SHOW Categories women shop now men shop now...
The name change affects the English spelling of the country’s name which in Turkish is spelt as ‘Türkiye’ anyway, and as the article mentions, will help avoid the confusion caused by the bird of the same name. Turkey 名词 1.可数名词:火鸡 ...
The change came into force immediately at the time when the world body received a letter from Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to the UN chief with a request to change the country's name, the spokesman said. Cavusoglu reportedly said that the change in the spelling was adopted as ...
Here’s the combined list of cities in Türkiye, both in Turkish spelling and English spelling in brackets, sorted alphabetically: 1. Adana (Adana) 2. Alanya (Alanya) 3. Alaçatı (Alaçatı) 4. Amasya (Amasya) 5. Ankara (Ankara) ...
Maybe it’s no surprise that Turkey—increasingly known by its official spelling, Türkiye (“tur-kee-ah”)—is recognized for such an array of flavors; it sits in a unique position. It’s known as the “European Gateway to Asia”; 3% of the country is in Europe, the rest in Asia ...
The proper name of the country, as it has become, Türkiye, تُرْكِيَا, Turkey, is from the name of the people or the language, the Turks and Turkish, respectively. That goes back well before the Ottoman Empire and applies to other Altaic speaking peoples and their...