HS Strut has been the leader in turkey hunting gear and accessories for over 30 years. We produce the best turkey calls, decoys & turkey hunting equipment.
Sounds like a great idea. It’s easier than it looks. You just want to be sure that you add enough gluten flour so that it becomes a very firm dough that doesn’t feel wet or sticky. Also wrap it tightly in heavy duty foil so it can’t expand and you will have a dense faux me...
The best way to learn how to use a mouth call is to find someone who knows how to use one and mimic them. The best way to learn the different calls are to listen to champion callers on youtube and then repeat the sounds they make. Remember, Benjamin Franklin suggested the North ...
We’d LOVE for you to share a link with photo instead. Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe Pin It For Later! Gratitude Moment Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, because I’m a firm believer that — call it cliche — gratitude is the key to happiness. We always have a whirlwind a ...
“I don’t know why we’ve been sent here,” Alan said, “It’s not fair. I just want to go home already. Get this mess over with. We’ve been hunted by raptors and carnos and whatever you call ‘em for the past three weeks. I’m tired.” ...
Only male turkeys, or toms, can make a call known as a gobble. They mostly gobble in the spring and fall. It is a mating call that attracts the hens. Wild turkeys gobble when they’re surprised by loud sounds and when they settle in for the night. The wild turkey can make at least...
But man, the stories, if you can even call them that, are boring. Lists of dates and facts is not a story. A 2 min story takes 30 minutes to tell. You might as well watch a YouTube video instead and learn more. An interesting aside, when the tour started, we had a kick-off ...
Sounds like you’re already proficient at getting your kiddo opportunity, so stick to those hunting skills. Specific to turkey , if you can get out now and locate areas that have birds you’d have a game plan opening morning. Once in the woods, cover ground , listen and look. If you ...
UseHoliday Recipesto find more recipes like this one. Use theDiet Type Indexto find more recipes suitable for a specific eating plan. You might also like to follow Kalyn’s Kitchenon Pinterest,on Facebook,on Instagram,on TikTok, oron YouTubeto see all the good recipes I’m sharing there....
All meetups are recorded and uploaded to YouTube within a few days of the event.Subscribe here to stay up to date! Local community organizers wanted! We’re always on the lookout for committed local organizers who will help the group thrive. If this sounds interesting to you, the Community...