Cooking times are approximates for a 325 °F oven (163 °C) Learn how we calculated thisbelow scroll down Add this calculator to your site LATEST VIDEOS On this page: Turkey Cooking Time Calculator How Long Should You Cook a Turkey?
Test out our turkey cooking time calculator or reference the chart provided by the USDA below for further directions. Please note all cooking times are based on a 325 F oven. You can also reference our turkey cooking time chart for more information. Stuffed Unstuffed 6 to 8 pounds (breast)...
hotter cooking. Use an oven thermometer to determine the accuracy of YOUR oven. Also if you use a thermometer in the turkey, it should attain a temperature of 185ºF (degrees) internal heat, minimum. To determine how long to cook your turkey by a calculator (high ...
If you cook the bird breast down, the turkey skin over the breast will not brown well. If you want browning on the breast, you'll need to turn the turkey over in the pan and to brown it in the last few minutes of cooking. We rarely bother with turning the turkey over, since weca...
To use this method with a bone-in turkey breast, assuming it is about 6 lbs, I recommend cooking it on low for about 6 hours, or until the internal temperature is 165 degrees F. Don't forget to double the rub amount! Making a different sized turkey? Here are my recommended times for...
Cooking turkey breast, rather than a whole bird? The average cooking time for a turkey breast in an electric roaster oven is about 20 minutes per pound at 375°F. Poultry breast meat is easy to dry out, so you may want to place a small, oven-safe dish of water inside the oven to ...
Turkey –Any turkey crown, or as you might call it a bone in turkey breast. I love a Bernard Matthews turkey crown, but its personal choice or whatever special deal you have found.Sides –We are also cooking some extra sides in the air fryer and you can do the same or keep it ...
Using a sturdy wooden spoon and paper towels or a clean kitchen towel, flip the turkey breast-side up. Roast the turkey at the lower temperature for another hour (for a 12 pound turkey; see note for larger turkey cooking times), until the thigh registers 165°F and the juices run ...