Turismo rural en Ecuadordoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23155.86565Raquel Santos Lacueva
Descubre el Encanto Rural del Berguedà Turismo rural en el Berguedà El Berguedà es una joya de la Cataluña rural, donde montañas, bosques y tradiciones se entrelazan en paisajes únicos. Aquí, el turismo rural no es solo una escapada, sino una
The social capital and the development of collaborative networks in the tourism sector: a case study on the Grupo Gestor do Turismo Rural do Rio Grande do ... This research aims to contribute to the inter-organizational network analysis perspective discussion, subsidized by the theories of collabo...
A Dinmica da Capacidade Absortiva no Contexto no Turismo Rural em Tempos de Covid-19: O Caso da Rota das Trutas, RS, Brasildoi:10.12819/2021.19.7.2BRAZILRURAL tourismAGRITOURISMCOVID-19 pandemicTECHNICAL assistanceCONTENT analysisRURAL population...
At the moment it is tried to supplement their offer with the rural tourism and the cultural tourism. To outline some reflections about the cultural tourism, especially the difficulties of their management, it is the objective of this article...