Overtime® Tall Fescue Blend Improved turf-type tall fescues combined to create a top quality dense, dark-green lawn able to withstand heat and many diseases. Overtime Plus Mixture Same mix as Overtime with addition of Kentucky bluegrass to fill in bare spots and improve recuperative ability....
Turf:Gibraltar Gold Strong Creeping Red Fescue&Ares Turf-Type Tall FescueForage:Tekapo Orchardgrass&Rival™ Brand Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass Dr. Ken Albrecht, UW-Madison agronomist,approves of Kopu II White Clover. View ourGreen Friendly™line of Turf Type grass seed!
One 3 lb. bag of Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Heat-Tolerant Blue Mix for Tall Fescue Lawns has a new lawn coverage of 250 sq. ft. and an overseeding coverage of 750 sq. ft. Brand Name: Scotts Sub Brand: Turf Builder Heat-Tolerant Blue Mix Grass Type: Tall Fescue Grass ...
Naturally engineered for disease resistance, drought resistance, color, texture and performance, TMI has demonstrated superior product development for Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue, and a wide range of specialty grass seeds to achieve virtually every requirement....
tolerance of Turf Type Tall Fescue is very strong due to the deep root system. A dark genetic green color has been developed into this rugged grass species. Certain varieties selected for the ENDURATURF® mixture exhibit early spring green-up and good late fall color as well as shade ...
TURF-TYPETALLFESCUES-MSULibraries 141TURF-TYPETALLFESCUESRichardHurley,VicePresidentLoftsSeed,Inc.,BoundBrook,NJTodaymorechoicesthaneverareavailablefornon-irrigatedturfareas.Unfortunately,noonegrass,mixtureorblendisapanacea.However,thereislittledoubtanexcellentchoiceformanyareasintheUnitedStatesisthenewturf-typetall...
cool-season grassgrass breedinghumanityKentucky bluegrassperennial ryegrassturf-type tall fescueturfgrassUnited StatesWilliam A. MeyerPure Seed Testing, Inc Hubbard OregonC. Reed FunkRutgers University New Brunswick New JerseyJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
2 varieties Sheep's fescue 1 varieties Smooth-stalked meadow-grass 16 varieties Tall fescue 24 varieties Timothy turf type 1 varieties Turf alfalfa 1 varieties Velvet bent 1 varieties Westerwold/annual ryegrass 2 varieties Wood meadow grass 1 varietiesSee...
Your lawn’s needs also depend on your location and the type of grass you choose. In cooler regions like Northern California to New Jersey, cool-season grasses such as tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass thrive. These grasses should be kept between 2 to 3 inches for optimal health. Conversel...
Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) is an advanced generation of turf-type tall fescue, which produces rhizomes. A rhizome is an underground stem that penetrates through the soil to spread the plant. Rhizomes send shoots up to the soil surface while extending new roots downward, forming a new plant...