When you start your own business, knowing the income tax implications of your decisions can save you money and headaches. Learn about paying estimated income taxes, keeping track of expenses and how to take a tax deduction when you use your car for busin
you have a capital transaction resulting in a gain or loss just as you would if you sold shares of stock. This is where cryptocurrency taxes can get more involved. Each time you dispose of cryptocurrency you are making a capital transaction that needs to be reported on your...
TurboTax Live:TurboTax Live is an add-on to any of the above versions. You can select this at the time you purchase your online version or upgrade later. The price varies based on which TurboTax version you purchase. TurboTax Live Full Service:The Live Full Service version of TurboTax has ...
If you did a Backdoor Roth, which involves making a non-deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA and then converting from the Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, you must report both the contribution and the conversion in the tax software. For more information on Backdoor Roth in general, se...
With TurboTax Free Edition*, you can prepare and file your federal return absolutely free, and a state tax return is also included. However, TurboTax Free is only for the simplest returns. This means that if you have any complexity in your tax return, you’ll likely have to upgrade to a...
I called Turbo Tax to tell them that State Tax for KS was not being properly calculated, because I work for the FED gov and I needed to know how to fix it. She told me that I would have to UPGRADE?! What?! You have to upgrade for your system to work properly?
Get your local, state or federal tax return either by an authorized tax preparer or on your own. Step 2: Either file your return electronically via the IRS e-file system or through the mail system. Step 3: Use your credit card for making your tax payment by either calling1-800-2PAY-...
Back in 2012 when I had rental property, investments, and a small business I was still able to use Deluxe. So start there and upgrade as needed. The free version won't import last year's data, and if you need to file Schedules C (small business), D (Capital gains and losses), or...
Don't waste your time upgrading the program to get personal assistance from Turbo Tax...the people do not know what they are talking about and literally google the answers. One person told me she was actually doing that. So, why pay to upgrade when you can google yourself?!?! So, if...
Also, if you are nervous about doing your taxes yourself, TurboTax is a great place to begin filing because you can upgrade to tax assistance, and if you still want more help, you can upgrade again to the full-service plan. TurboTax is the only tax software that has all three options....