Turbojet engines are older, simpler in design and ideal for high-speed, high-altitude flight; turbofan engines are more modern, featuring a fan for increased efficiency, making them suitable for commercial aviation.
First recorded in1940–45;turbo-+fan1 Discover More Compare Meanings How doesturbofancompare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons: turbofan vs. turbojet turboprop vs. turbofan Discover More Example Sentences ...
Related to Turbofans:fanjet,Bypass ratio tur·bo·fan (tûr′bō-făn′) n. 1.A turbojet engine in which a fan supplements the total thrust by forcing air directly into the hot turbine exhaust. 2.An aircraft in which a turbofan is used. In both senses also calledfanjet. ...
5232333Single flow turbopump with integrated boosting1993-08-03Girault 5224339Counterflow single rotor turbojet and method1993-07-06Hayes 5182906Hybrid spinner nose configuration in a gas turbine engine having a bypass duct1993-02-02Gilchrist et al. ...
Drop-in fuels for aviation gas-turbine engines have been introduced recently to mitigate global warming. Despite their similarity to the fossil fuel Jet A-1, their combustion in traditional combustors should be thoroughly analyzed to maintain engine health and low emissions. The paper introduces crit...
Development of this tool was initiated on behalf of the NASA Aviation Safety Program's Vehicle Systems Safety Technologies (VSST) project. Description The T-MATS software provides a toolbox for the development of thermodynamic system models; it contains a simulation framework, multi-loop solver ...