1.turbo-charged diesel 涡轮增压式柴油机;涡轮增压柴油机 2.turbo-charged engine 涡轮增压发动机;员轮增压式发动机 3.turbo charged Penguins 飞天企鹅 4.turbo charged 涡轮增压的;燃气轮机增压的 5.Turbo-charged cheetah 高级引擎猎豹 6.Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control 涡轮加速飞行器控制台用法...
He is suddenly CHARGED by the AMCs --- Rod SPINS AROUND and gets a shot off but is SLAMMED HEAD FIRST. A TIGHT, CLOSE-QUARTERS FIGHT begins --- IN THE STALL - Mater, still TRAPPED, is now being SCRUBBED as if in a car wash. He is helpless. OUTSIDE THE STALL - Rod is being ...
To effectively employ most forms of crowd control, it is necessary to avoid causing damage to a target that will break the effect prematurely. For this reason, tanks should take care to pull the fighting mobs a short distance away from controlled ones so that AoE abilities will not cause acc...